Negotiations Updates

August 27th 2024

In January, the Association reminded members that we had served notice to the Canada Post Corporation (CPC) on November 10th, 2023, confirming that we wanted to start bargaining for a new Collective Agreement.

In February and March, the Association and Corporation had many meetings face-to-face. The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) negotiating team remained hopeful for a productive round of bargaining with over 50% of CPAA’s demands having been submitted. The Association reminded members that the current Collective Agreement remains in effect with all the rights and benefits.

In April, members were reminded that the negotiating team had continued to meet with the Corporation as they not only submitted demands for this round of negotiations but also had to advance issues from previous rounds. The team is doing a great job in ensuring that the members’ voices were heard. The Association continues to strive for a fair and equitable Collective Agreement.

In the Spring edition of the magazine, members were reminded that the expired Collective Agreement remains in effect with all the rights and benefits. As well, the policies and practices were also still in effect, so it should be business as usual. Any anomalies to this were asked to be brought forward to the Association right away so that a resolution could be sought. 

During the Branch Convention times, from April to June, the negotiating team noted that they had been working over the past year in preparation for this round of negotiations. It was during this time period that the negotiating teams (CPAA and CPC) had met 16 times. The CPAA negotiating team had presented approximately 60% of the members’ demands. Which were in various stages. Some had been agreed to, others declined, and others still under review.

It was also during this time that the process was also referred to in the event that the negotiating parties could not come to an agreement. Article 60 was referenced to illustrate the process.

In August, the Association finished presenting all of its demands, with the exception of a few possible clean up items. The two sides are set to meet again face-to-face in September and October. CPAA is waiting on CPC to finalize their asks as we look to conclude a fair Collective Agreement that reflects the contributions CPAA members make to the strength of the Canadian postal service.

CPAA Remarks to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates April 15, 2024

Arpil 15th 2024

I want to thank the Committee for this opportunity to speak about a subject that is important to me individually, important to CPAA (which I’ll call the Association in these remarks) and important to all people living in rural Canada.

The Association represents more than 8,500 employees at Canada Post. I can say, with pride, that we only represent employees working in the Corporation’s rural offices.  Our members work in nearly three thousand post offices.  Those offices range from small operations, in people’s homes, in general stores, and in municipal buildings, to larger operations in larger towns.  Many of the post offices are in extremely remote communities, including fly-in and boat-in locations. A significant number of our members supply the premises for the post office largely at their own cost, receiving a small leasing allowance for doing so.

CPAA was formed a little over 3 decades after confederation, in 1902. At that time rural post offices were both the center and the lifeblood of rural communities. The same is true today.

Many Canadians living in urban locations can, and often do, take postal and other delivery services for granted. In Rural Canada, the options for sending and receiving the necessities of life are much more limited.

At no time was this more clear than during the COVID pandemic.  During those most challenging times, the ability to get food, medicine and other essentials in thousands of communities was completely dependent on Canada post rural offices.  Workers went into CPAA offices, day after day, week after week, understanding that they were putting their health, and perhaps their lives, in serious jeopardy.  They were doing so because they were considered by the government, by their employer, and by their communities, to be performing an essential service.

It may have taken a pandemic for some Canadians to understand the importance of a post office, but most people outside of big cities already knew the central place that a post office and postal services hold. 

Post offices allow businesses to reach out to the world from remote areas. They allow local operations to grow.  They prevent migration out of smaller communities by offering residents in rural Canada access to services and goods. Even in an age of internet, they allow federal, provincial and municipal governments to communicate with residents in those rural communities.

In rural Canada, Canada Post has the ability to help those communities grow.  We have been spearheading initiatives to offer more services, and more diverse ones.  This includes using those offices as financial service hubs.  Postal banking was a service that our post offices offered during much of the last century.  Some banks moved in, and recently have decided they are not willing to invest in those services or those communities.  Canada Post has started offering them again on a small scale.  We believe so much more is possible.

A Post Office is also an affirmation of our commitment to one another as citizens of Canada.  From Old Perlican, Newfoundland to Bella Coola British Columbia, from Kugluktuk Nunavut to Bromont, Qubec, the Canadian flag on each post office is a sign that Canada respects and serves all, no matter where they live. 

We should also remember Canada’s commitment to indigenous communities, many, if not most of which are in rural and remote communities in Canada. The need to ensure access to the complete range of postal services and facilities in these communities is part of Canada’s fundamental obligation. Canada Post recognizes this obligation as part of its commitment to an Indigenous and Northern Reconciliation Strategy.

I worked in CPAA post offices in Alberta before I took on my responsibilities with the Association.  There and in every other CPAA office I have visited, I have seen firsthand the dedication that our members in rural Canada bring to their work.  They do that because they understand the importance of what they do – for their neighbors, for their families, for farmers or small business owners, and through these and other people, for all Canadians.  

For decades, the Association has been resisting the efforts of Canada Post to reduce services to rural Canada.  In the 1990s, we worked with other organizations to help people understand what was at stake if rural Canadians were stripped of their basic services.  We received a promise from the Federal Government that there would be a moratorium on office closures.  Even with the moratorium, Canada Post has closed hundreds of offices over the past fifteen years. We are worried that we are at risk of returning to those difficult times.  Our members have had their working hours cut to the barest minimum needed to get the job done, or below that. In the absence of a will to support rural Canada, we worry that office closures and cuts in service may now be back on the table. 

We are sure the Committee understands the importance of maintaining postal services to all Canadians.  The Association urges the Government and each of the federal parties to ensure rural Canadians can continue to live in security and dignity, and to receive the levels of postal service that will allow them to continue to participate fully in Canadian society.

I am passionate about these issues because I understand the need for rural post offices and the services they provide, as well as the importance of those services in the daily lives of hundreds of thousands of Canadians. 

I welcome any questions you might have.

Dwayne Jones
National President
Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association

Entitlement to benefits for dental, vision and hearing care

Arpil 11th 2024

This is a reminder that, under Article 34.03 (a) of our Collective Agreement, any indeterminate employee who has regularly scheduled hours of 15 or more per week is entitled to benefits for dental, vision and hearing care.  That is also true when the employee is working in classifications level two and above.  It may also apply to any employee who is entitled to Article 40 of the Collective Agreement and is acting in a Postmaster position.

If you are not receiving these benefits and believe you should be, you should contact your Branch as soon as possible.

The RPOS Survey is now available! 

January 19th 2024

On January 17th, a link to a survey was sent to all CPAA RPOS users via Broadcast Message.  We encourage all members to take a few minutes to complete the survey and to provide your feedback.  Your feedback will help Canada Post plan and prioritize any RPOS improvements.  Members have until January 29th to complete the survey.

Note: To access Broadcast message, click the Envelope icon near the top right corner of the RPOS screen. The subject of the Broadcast message is Survey | Sondage or you can click on the link below. 


Bargaining Update

November 24th 2023

It is hard to believe we are at the end of another collective agreement. 

The Association served notice to the Corporation on November 10, confirming that we wanted to start bargaining for a new collective agreement. We will be meeting with Canada Post in the coming weeks to get the process going. We expect to be at the bargaining table to start formal negotiations starting in February of next year.

Thank you to all the members who have sent in their demands during our preparation period. The Negotiating Committee received thousands of proposed changes to the collective agreement and has met already over several weeks this year to consider the list of demands. Those meetings will continue so that we can prepare a reasonable set of demands to get the best deal possible for all CPAA members.  

Your Negotiating Committee will be providing updates to members through the CPAA website as the bargaining process unfolds. 


September 1st 2023

Since 1894, when Labour Day was first introduced in Canada, there have been many things – good and bad – that have impacted the labour movement.  I think everyone will agree, the past few years have been a struggle unlike any that our generation has ever seen.  Let this year’s Labour Day serve as a reminder that we are always stronger when we are united and respectful towards each other.  TOGETHER, WE CAN OVERCOME!
Have a great long weekend everyone, you have earned it.

In solidarity,


Flyer Campaign 2023

June 27th 2023

In May 2023, the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association (CPAA) sent out over 624,000 flyers across Canada to ask community members to save their public Post Offices and say NO to Privatization. In the flyer, CPAA mentioned that it is committed to promote the revitalization of rural communities, to promoting good paying jobs and demand that the 1994 Moratorium on closing post offices be upheld.

A portion of the flyer is a postcard to be filled and sent out to Helena Jaczek, Member of Parliament for the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. The postcard informs our government that our post offices are an integral part of our communities, that postal services are a public service and belongs to all Canadians, and finally to ask our government to NOT privatize our public services.

Since the moratorium has been signed in 1994 up to June 2023, 380 post offices have been closed. From 1905 to 1993, 1,490 post offices have been closed for a total of 1,870 closed CPAA post offices.

So far, the CPAA National Office has received great feedback on the campaign. Some community and CPAA members asked for more flyers to distribute. You may send a request to National Office for us to send you extra flyers until mid July 2023. We encourage those who are requesting extra flyers to distribute them in public places other than the Post Office premises.

For more information, please read about the CPAA History on our website which mentions our efforts on this particular topic since 2013 or send us an e-mail at

CPAA thanks you for your support!

Pay Equity

June 27th 2023

The first payments started to go out in August of 2021 to the 5,165 applicants who qualified. As of writing this report 4,830 were paid, with 328 claimants left to be processed. Canada Post did send a reminder to 250 folks who had applied but did not follow up returning their non-disclosure agreements. Out of that group only a little over 20 responded with their documentation. It was a lot more work and investigation then anyone would have thought. Canada Post did not have a dedicated phone number for applicants to call, which meant that CPAA received numerous calls and emails. Still, it was a pleasure to assist and speak with so many members, retirees, and children from the estates. We sure did hear lots of interesting stories. I am very grateful to all our staff, past and present here at Queen Mary for keeping our files intact for all these years.

In solidarity,


Dear Members,

April 18th 2023

Hello Everyone,

With the upcoming branch conventions right around the corner, we wanted to remind you that the By-Laws of the Association were revised, and that Terms are now allowed to vote at this election. We hope to see some of you coming to the branch conventions. You are the future of CPAA. It is very important that you know your rights under the Collective Agreement and the Canada Labour Code.

CPAA Branch Election Process updated to read:

9.9(b) ; Term members shall have the right to vote at their Branch Conventions.

Article 10.45 All candidates for delegate to the National Quadrennial Convention shall be elected by Plurality-at-Large vote. Each candidate shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) minutes to speak to the Convention delegates. · Term employees with or without continuous service have the right to vote for delegates and all Branch Officers.

In solidarity,


Dear Members,

January 22rd 2023

Please be advised that the correct acting pay for a Level 2 employee acting in a level 6A should be paid at $28.86.

Dear Members,

January 20th 2023

I am happy to report to you that we will have the original Pay Equity file complete in the first quarter of 2023. We had one of our final Pay Equity committee meetings this morning and there are only 204 remaining applicants. These applicants are either from estates or third-party pay-outs. We will be sending out a final notice letter to those remaining applicants. This certainly has been a very long process; however, it has been a very rewarding one since close to 5,000 present and retired CPAA members have been paid out or “made whole” as we like to say. This was a very long process since we had to find proof that members worked a certain number of hours going back to 1992. Thank you for your patience and perseverance in sending in your documents, pay stubs etc.

In solidarity,

Dear Members,

December 8th 2022

On November 9, 2021, the CPAA filed a national policy grievance (NA-21-004) in response to Canada Post’s implementation of its mandatory vaccination policy, and the parties agreed to schedule the matter for hearing on July 25 and 26, 2022, in front of Arbitrator Thomas Jolliffee, K.C. 

After carefully considering arguments by both parties, Mr. Jolliffe decided in favour of Canada Post, confirming that a mandatory vaccine policy was reasonable.

To view the decision in its entirety, please click here

Dear Members,

November 9th 2022

By now you might have heard about the attack on workers rights by Premier Ford in Ontario. Bill 28 would have imposed a bad deal on some of the lowest-paid education workers in Ontario. It blocked their right to strike—before negotiations were over. It would have setback workers’ rights across Canada. In support of these workers CPAA wrote a letter to Premier Ford and the Minister of Education Stephen Lecce.

Thanks to CUPE OSBCU members, education workers, and unions across Canada—with support from parents and the business community—Ford has been forced to admit he is wrong. They are now back at the negotiation table. CPAA stands in solidarity with the education workers and all workers. Let us not forget.

In solidarity,


Dear Members,

September 1st 2022

Click here for the Financial services Update

In solidarity,

Brenda McAuley
National President

Dear Members,

June 30th 2022

Canada Post has suspended their Mandatory Vaccination Practice as of July 6, 2022.

For those who’ve been on leave without pay, you will or already have received a call regarding your return to work. Either way, you should have that discussion with Canada Post as soon as possible, no matter if you want to return on July 6 or if your personal needs require that you return later.  

CPAA realizes this has been a very stressful time for our members.  Please remember to be respectful and kind during this transition, you all have a right to be at work.

In solidarity,

Brenda McAuley
National President

Dear Members,

June 17th 2022

By now you must have heard that the federal government has lifted its vaccination mandate for domestic travel and for federal workers as of June 20, 2022.

However, Canada Post at their annual meeting yesterday stated that the mandate for the Canada Post federal workers is not lifted until June 29, 2022. Therefore, you will not be going back to work on June 20th if you are an unvaccinated member. CPAA has been told that if you fall in that category, you will be receiving a call from Canada Post to confirm when you will be coming back. For those of you who have been in Acting or in a Replacement assignment you will be given notice of a shift change.

CPAA realizes this has been a difficult time for many of our members. Please reach out to your branch executive in your province if you need any assistance with the return-to-work process.

Brenda McAuley, National President

Dear Members,

May 5th 2022

The National office continues to receive emails from members looking for an update on the vaccination mandate requirement.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed since our last updates. The federal government and Canada Post is currently not lifting the vaccination mandate for federal workers. Despite the fact we have sent 338 letters to members of parliament and collectively filed 67 grievances as a result of the vaccination requirements.  If anything changes with this decision, we will immediately inform you and will be in communication with Canada Post to determine the next steps.

In solidarity,

Brenda McAuley

The National Day of Mourning

April 28th 2022

The National Day of Mourning, or Workers’ Mourning Day is observed in Canada on 28 April. It commemorates workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace-related hazards and occupational exposures. The National Day of Mourning is not only a day to remember and honour those lives lost or injured due to a workplace tragedy, but also a day to collectively renew our commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent further injuries, illnesses and deaths. It is our job as CPAA representatives to ensure Canada Post maintains a heathy and safe workplace for our members. Thank you for all you do in upholding a healthy and safe workplace, which has been particularly challenging during the pandemic.

CPAA Political Action committee sent 338 letters to all Members of Parliament regarding the federal Mandatory Vaccination Process

March 16th 2022

Letter attached

Update for two National grievances related to the Vaccine Practice 

March 14th 2022

To all our members, including those who have chosen to remain unvaccinated, your Association is working diligently to represent your interests. Whether your concerns are related to your health and safety or with your ability to earn a living wage, it goes without saying that these have been challenging times.

It’s become painfully obvious that the current Government has lost its way. We might have commended them for how they handled the pandemic in its early stages, but what we’ve seen more recently would not warrant any such praise.  It’s difficult to understand why Prime Minister Trudeau has chosen to divide the country into two groups or why he feels any such approach is beneficial in any way.  Whatever the case may be, CPAA is demanding an immediate stop!  Simply put, the time has come for our nation’s leadership to take steps that will heal the scars left behind by the pandemic.

A first logical step towards this lofty objective is for the Government to change its messaging.  It’s clear that there are members of society who will never be vaccinated.  Whether it’s because of legitimate health concerns, religious beliefs, or any other reason, it’s an indisputable fact that society will forever be comprised of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.  It is therefore incumbent upon our nation’s leadership to convey a message of unity and tolerance.

For its part, CPAA has presented two grievances that are national in scope:  one to challenge Canada Post’s decision to implement a vaccination mandate that ignores all viable options that would have allowed individuals to remain at work; and another to denounce situations where offices were closed as a direct result of the inflexibility of that mandate.  The first grievance has already been presented to Canada Post’s senior management and to no one’s surprise, it was denied.  On March 9th, the second grievance was also presented and although a response has yet to be provided, given the pattern of Canada Post to deny all similar grievances, it would be foolish to expect that a different response could be forthcoming.  In both cases, CPAA intends on taking these matters to arbitration if Canada Post continues to remain inflexible.

For now, we will convey our own message of unity and tolerance, and we will do so on the basis of factual data that clearly shows that the risks to the vaccinated are no worse when exposed to those who are unvaccinated.  Everywhere across Canada, mandates are disappearing, which means for those of you who shop in stores or eat in restaurants, there’s a very good chance that you’ve been within proximity to someone who is unvaccinated.  The sad reality is that there will always be a risk of becoming infected with COVID-19, but science has shown that this reality will exist whether you’re vaccinated or not. 

For CPAA’s part, we encourage everyone who can get vaccinated given the evidence that shows an increase in immunization and an overall reduction of risk to your health.  Even those of you who struggle with a moral dilemma should note that there are options now that might allow you to become vaccinated without compromising your beliefs.  Whatever the case may be, CPAA will always represent your interests, whether you support the use of vaccines or not – ALL IN THE NAME OF UNITY!

Steve McCuaig
National Labour Relations Officer

Pay Equity Update

February 17th 2022

I am happy to report our Pay Equity files are coming to an end, over 4500 people have been paid and there are around 500 applications left to process and for the claimants to return their nondisclosure agreements (NDA) back to the Pay Equity team. Thank you for your patience, as this has been along process.

December 23rd 2021

Dear Members,

The National office will be closed Dec. 24th at noon until January 4th, 2022, this is my last opportunity to share my reflections of 2021. How do we summarize 2021?

It was an extremely challenging year for union representatives, members working in the post offices, and the communities at large to adapt to the new protocols being put in place and to adjust to pandemic life. We spent a lot of time and effort trying to protect all our members and consulting with Canada Post about getting more supplies in the offices and of course the vaccine mandate. Initially when Canada Post offered mandatory twice weekly rapid testing as an alternative to COVID 19 vaccinations, we agreed. However, when Canada Post got pressure from the Government and changed their practice by withdrawing the rapid testing option, we requested an extension to the implementation date to after the New Year, so there would be more time to prepare for staffing the post offices. When the Corporation declined both, we filed a national grievance and our grievance requested the initial option of offering rapid testing, so our members would not be put on LWOP. Our grievance was denied, and our next step is to go to arbitration.

Some of you inquired about whether Canada Post would be supplying N95 masks since they are now recommended by Doctor Tam. Their response was “the Public Health Agency of Canada PHAC has not changed their standard. We are maintaining our current standard which meets PHAC requirements. We will not be providing N 95s”. For those few CPAA members that are on High-Risk leave their approved leave will end sometime in February.

We also spent a lot of time on the Pay Equity file. Canada Post had staffing issues during this process and validating over 5,000 applications, proved to be a lot harder then initially thought. I am happy to report we are now seeing light at the end of the tunnel.  December 23, 2021, an additional 719 payments went out and an additional 685 + payments will go out the first pay period in January. There are roughly 1100 outstanding files to be completed and processed for payment. We are hopeful that all payments will be issued early in 2022.

From the National Officers and staff here at Queen Mary, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, filled with peace and joy. Thank you for all your dedication and the work you have done in 2021 to keep your communities thriving. Rural Post Offices are the hub and heart of the communities. We look forward to working with you all in 2022.

In solidarity,


Urgent Update To All CPAA Members:

November 27th 2021

We learned Friday November 26th that in one region of the country a directive was issued to all Local Area Managers and Local Area Superintendent instructing them to have CPAA members prevent entrance and distribute letters to other CPAA members and RSMC’s who have not complied to the mandatory vaccination practice. This is contrary to assurances the Corporation had earlier given to the national executives of the Association.

CPAA absolutely reject the notion that our members will be placed in such a position. The Corporation has been put on notice that for each workplace where our members are asked to distribute letters or prevent an employee from accessing the workplace and where the Association becomes aware of the practice, we will file grievances. CPAA members instructed to distribute the letters should not put themselves in situation of insubordination. We recommend that you comply with the directive, inform the Manager or Superintendent that you are complying under duress and report the occurrence to your CPAA representative without delay so that grievances can be filed.

Mandatory Vaccine Practice Update

November 10th 2021

Dear Members,

There is no disputing that the Canada Post vaccination practice is a polarizing issue, and we continue to hear from our members from all sides of this issue.

In an earlier message posted on our web site, we shared the legal opinion we received on the practice versus the collective agreement, the Canadian Human Rights Code, and the laws on protecting confidential personal information. Based on this advice, it is our view that filing a grievance against the practice will not succeed. We can however file grievance against the employer on how the practice is implemented.

On November 9, 2021, CPAA filed a national grievance against the Corporation for the employer’s refusal to delay the implementation of the vaccination practice, as well as refusing to allow rapid testing for employees who refuse to get vaccinated. Under the terms of the collective agreement, the employer would normally have until December 15th to reply to the grievance. However, since the start of the pandemic, the parties have mutually agreed to extend those deadlines which means that Canada Post has until January 20th to reply.

Also on November 9th, the Association formally put the employer on notice that for each post office the Corporation closes because of the implementation of the vaccination practice, we will file grievances.

Advance copy – COVID note from CPAA National Office, appearing in the November Canadian Postmaster

November 8th 2021

The demands of COVID-19 have put all of us to the test.  The questions it has raised for the Association are among the most difficult and troubling we have ever faced.

You will see an insert this month from the Association’s legal counsel that describes some of the implications of the vaccine policy introduced by the Corporation. The insert speaks about the balancing act that CPAA has had to do in protecting the rights of all its members.

We have had to make sure that people are able to work in a safe environment. That’s particularly hard in our small offices.  We have had to respond to people who were unable to comply with the Corporation’s requests, and to find solutions.  Now we have the vaccine mandate.

There are people who are legitimately unable to be vaccinated, usually for medical reasons.  We are continuing to make sure those people can be accommodated to the extent possible.

There are also people who have said they are fearful of the vaccine and are unable to bring themselves to get the shot.  We are working with the Corporation to see if there are measures that might be available: for example, a delay for the requirements in some individual situations. 

We also face the reality that there are many members who have been vaccinated and want to minimize the risk of catching COVID, or a severe case of COVID.  They don’t want to expose a vulnerable family member, or a child who is not yet able to be vaccinated, to the disease.  That is a perfectly understandable and legitimate concern.

We are speaking with Canada Post regularly to find the greatest range of options to try to satisfy those legitimate concerns on both sides of this issue.  It is not easy, and the consequences, no matter where the balance ends up, can be severe for someone who feels their interests were not protected. We did request an extension until February 2022 from Canada Post, so our members could have more time to adjust and make alternate arrangements. Canada Post stated that they have to follow the Minister’s orders and cannot change the timelines. A possible National grievance for members being put on Leave Without Pay as of November 26, 2021, is under consideration.

We will not back away from these issues.  We will get the best information we can, and make sure Canada Post makes its decision based on the science, not just a directive from the government.  In the end, no matter what we do, some will be disappointed. Some will be angry.  That troubles us, but we have a responsibility to make the best decisions we can for the good of each member and for the good of the membership as a whole.  Balancing acts are always less fun to perform than they are to watch.  We will continue to work to make sure that the balance is the best possible.

Mandatory Vaccine Practice Update

November 2nd 2021

Dear Members,

We have had several inquiries regarding the Mandatory Vaccination Practice that was imposed on all federal workers by the federal government. Since we work for a Crown Corporation this practice will apply nationally to all Canada Post employees, contractors, and visitors to Canada Post facilities, this excludes customers. For your convenience we broke down this practice in easy-to-read statements.

  • Members will have to “attest” their vaccination status between October 29 and November 12, 2021.
  • Between November 12 and November 26, CPC will follow up with members who have not provided their vaccination status, to remind them that it is required to work. After November 26, members who refuse to comply will be deemed unwilling and be placed on Leave Without Pay.
  • Members who are fully vaccinated will continue to report to work as usual.
  • Members attesting as partially vaccinated or as intending to become fully vaccinated, must be fully vaccinated by January 29, 2022. These members will continue to work, but will be required to perform rapid testing prior to entering the workplace twice a week until they are fully vaccinated.
  • Those who attest as unable to be vaccinated* will have to provide relevant information to CPC that meet any of the prohibited grounds of the Canadian Human Rights Act, so their accommodation requests can be evaluated. Throughout this accommodation process your Union representation  will ensure your rights are protected.
  • Those who attest as unwilling to be vaccinated, or considered as such under the practice, will be placed on Leave Without Pay. The ramifications of being on Leave Without Pay can be found on the Canada Post Question and Frequently Asked Questions document we have re-posted on this website.
  • Rapid testing will not be available for members who are unwilling to be vaccinated.

*We have also reached out to our legal counsel for an opinion on the Mandatory Vaccination Practice, which you will find attached to this document. This opinion will also be printed in our next magazine that will be going out at the end of November. CPAA will continue to defend your rights and ensure your workplaces are safe.

In solidarity,

Brenda McAuley

Vaccine Practice Update

October 28th 2021

Canada Post has finalized their Mandatory Vaccination Practice. If you go to the “What’s New” header on this website, click on “Covid-19 Pandemic”, you will find the Mandatory Vaccination Practice along with the Questions and Answers document from Canada Post.

If there are any other further updates on this Practice, we will be sure to inform you.

In solidarity,

Brenda McAuley

Pay Equity Updates

October 28th 2021

CPAA realizes a lot of you have been patiently waiting for your pay equity settlements. To bring you up to date:

We have been told that there is at least 1600 eligible applicants who have not returned their Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA). Without this signed returned agreement from you, Canada Post is not able to issue your payment, as per the signed agreement. For those of you who have sent back your signed NDA’s, the hold up for getting payment issued  has been staffing issues at Canada Post. With over 5,000 eligible applicants this has clearly been a challenge. We continue to meet with Canada Post, to inform them of your frustration with not receiving your payments more timely.

If you have not signed your NDA because you have proof to challenge the amount, please send it to the pay equity team as soon as possible or email. You can also call Accesshr 1 877 807-9090 and wait for the prompt to press # 3

Please continue to email your questions and concerns to

CPAA members have been more than patient with the many delays while we wait for pay equity money. The Corporation is now mailing successful claimants an agreement (NDA) to not disclose the amount of the settlement and following receipt of that signed agreement, it should take around 8 weeks for the cheque.

A mailing was sent to eligible applicants during the week of May 17, 2021.  It contained each applicant’s work history during the period from September 1, 1992 to March 31, 1997, and a non-disclosure agreement.  Applicants were asked to sign and return the non-disclosure agreement by June 4, 2021.  Due to production delays in issuing the mailing, documents will be accepted after the deadline, though these payments may be delayed.

Please continue to email your questions and concerns to

Letter to the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development, on December 6th, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women

Dear Minister,

On the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women, I am writing on behalf of the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association to request concrete support for rural Canadian women, who comprise 95% of our membership.

Women’s shelters everywhere are feeling the pressure of the pandemic, especially in rural parts of the country. ln September of this year, a report from Women’s Shelters Canada pointed to a lack of funding and resources for women and their children fleeing abusive relationships, particularly in rural, remote, and Northern areas.

A disproportionate number of women seeking shelter from abuse in rural Canada are lndigenous. According to Statistics Canada, in April 2018, around 20% of women and children in non-lndigenous shelters identified as First Nations, M6tis or lnuit, compared to an overall population count of 4% of Canadian women (age 18 and older) and 8% of children as a whole.

Just a few days ago, on November 25th, Women’s Shelters Canada confirmed that rising rates of abuse are emerging from pandemic conditions, with isolation and COVID restrictions being used by abusers to control, silence and confine women’ The organization stated that “The demands on shelters – in terms of capacity and in dealing with more severe cases of abuse – have only increased as the pandemic continues.”

As Postmasters and Assistants who live and work in over three thousand rural communities, we are constantly looking out for our neighbours and their families. We are deeply concerned with the lack of funding and resources for emergency and second stage shelters, as well as the distances that rural women must travel to access them. Canada can and must do better for our rural families.

ln both your capacities as Minister for Women and Gender Equality, and as Minister for Rural Economic Development, our Association urges you to work with organizations such as Women’s Shelters Canada to increase funding and resources for women’s shelters in rural, remote, Northern and lndigenous communities.

We would like to renew our request for a meeting with you and look forward to hearing from you.


Brenda McAuley
National President, The Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association

CPAA National President Brenda McAuley stands with artist Claudia Salguero (front left) at the unveiling of the community art project mural on the CPAA National Office in Ottawa.

National President’s Message

The following is an edited version of the report delivered by the National President at CPAA’s Annual Meeting in October. For a full copy of this report, please contact the National Office.

This year has certainly been one for the history books and has presented many challenges for our members and for the Association as we, along with the rest of the world, faced the COVID-19 pandemic which has to date taken the lives of over ten thousand Canadians and more than a million people worldwide. This global pandemic demonstrates the importance of public services such as health care and postal service to our communities. We can only hope that this will be remembered for many years to come.

From the very beginning, the government stated that post offices were part of Canada’s pandemic plan response so our members remained as frontline workers on the job while others were staying home. The pandemic meant that online ordering skyrocketed, and our members are still struggling to cope with ongoing Christmas-level volumes of parcels.

During the first days and weeks of responding to the pandemic hitting our country, the situation was changing by the hour, creating a great deal of uncertainty and confusion. CPAA Officers were in constant communication with Canada Post, both at the National and Branch levels. We continually pressed management on the urgent need for safety and protective equipment. Our offices, and communications platforms were flooded with questions, comments, and concerns from our members. We kept track of everything coming in and made sure our members’ concerns and demands were raised with management. We sent out information about special leave and quarantine leave, the relevant Health and Safety legislation, and Public Health directives.

The Association continued to demand Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while remaining cognizant of the fact that sorely needed medical supplies and protective equipment stocks were depleted the world over and were being reserved for frontline health care workers. By the end of March, Canada Post had begun to ship out gloves, sanitizing lotion, barriers and then face masks to our post offices. Some members found the PVC barriers were flimsy and overall, the lengthy wait for this protective equipment created a great deal of stress.

While our members were waiting for this equipment, they devised their own creative and memorable ways to try to keep safe. We are grateful to all our members who shared their stories and photos with us and with each other to keep our spirits up. I continue to have weekly calls with Canada Post and all the union leaders to discuss all COVID related issues in our post offices. This has proved to be very helpful with resolving issues quickly.

At the National Office, Officers and staff at first worked from home, except for myself and Sylvie, the Office Manager. Since we are an Ontario
workplace, in July, it was deemed by the government safe to bring everyone back into the office. I must say it was nice to see the whole team again. It certainly has been a steep learning curve for everybody to conduct our meetings virtually via online platforms such as Zoom. However, the
teleconferences and online meetings have been quite successful to date. We have also saved our Association a great deal of money that would
otherwise have been spent on travel.

We all know that meeting online is not the same as meeting in person for some events. Unfortunately, the pandemic has forced us to postpone our Just For You educational sessions. We hope to be able to deliver those in 2021. Similarly, we have had to pause our election process for Health and Safety representatives. The pandemic is far from over and we are facing a resurgence of cases heading into the colder months. I hope we can continue to stay safe and look out for each other. As a Union, that is our job.