Are you ready in case of an emergency?
Click here for CPC’s Health and Safety Tips.
Bargaining Demands
Use this form if you have demands to suggest for the next round of negotiations.
Short Term Disability Kit
The Short-term Disability Program (STDP) covers employees who are absent from work due to an illness or a non-work related accident. It provides coverage to all eligible employees regardless of their medical history or how long they have been with Canada Post.
Group Life Insurance
The CPAA has a group policy for all active members to opt into.
Use this form.
Supplemental Allowance Form
Claims must be received by June 30 of each year for the previous year.
Postmasters in non-Corporate owned and non-Corporate leased premises who do not operate another business or engage in other employment on the same premises as the post office or in residential premises and who have provided commercial (or equivalent) insurance may submit a claim for reimbursement. That claim may be made by filing a written declaration stating that they have needed to provide such commercial insurance during the previous year.
Similarly, Postmasters in all non-corporate owned and non-Corporate leased premises who are required to use a telephone line that is not provided by Canada Post, or for which the Postmaster does not receive reimbursement from Canada Post, may request a reimbursement payment for the expense of using another telephone for Canada Post business.